
Is membership the next step for you?

To be a church member is to make a public promise to live as a follower of Jesus Christ and support the work of His Church. Church membership is not like membership in a club or other organization. Most organizations exist to serve their members. Instead, church membership helps those who desire to follow Jesus move from consuming church services and programs to becoming providers of God’s love and care. As a church, we exist not for our own benefit but for others. 

As a new member candidate, you will learn more about who we are as a church, how to grow in faith and the many life-giving ways you can get involved with our church family. 

Contact Valerie B for more information or read more on membership below. 

Membership Process

To become an MVPC member and be eligible for baptism (if you haven’t been baptized previously), you first need to complete the membership application. This will help us get to know more about you, including your faith and church experience. You may complete this application at any time during the year. 

Meeting with a Pastor and Elder 

Once you have submitted your membership application, you will be contacted to set up a meeting with a Pastor and Elder. If others have applied for membership during the same time frame, we may schedule a group gathering. During this meeting, you will meet with church leaders, have a chance to ask your questions and learn more about who we are and what we believe at MVPC. 

Membership Welcome 

During a worship service, you will be asked the membership questions and introduced to the congregation as a new member of the MVPC family. If you have not been baptized, one of our pastors will have the privilege of baptizing you during this service. 

MVPC MEmbership (Covenant) Questions



Do you acknowledge that you are a sinner in God’s sight whose only hope of salvation is God’s sovereign mercy? I do. 

Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and depend upon Him alone for your salvation according to God’s Word? I do. 

Do you seek in humble reliance upon the Holy Spirit to trust Jesus Christ in all things and live as His follower? I do. 

Do you promise to be a faithful member of this congregation, sharing in its worship and ministry through your prayers, gifts and service, and seeking the fellowship of the church wherever you may be? I do. 

Do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of the Church and to the spiritual oversight of its leaders, and do you promise to promote the unity, purity and peace of the Church? I do. 


Do we welcome these new members to the life and ministry of Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church? We do! 

Will we stand with them in need, grow with them in faith, and serve with them in the purpose God has given us as a church—to know Christ and make him known? We will!