GLOBAL Partners

Domestic Mission Partners

Bay Area Rescue Mission
Richmond, Ca

The Bay Area Rescue Mission is Contra Costa County’s largest provider of homeless services, including overnight lodging for up to 350 guests each night. They provide clothing, counsel, educational opportunities and 3500+ meals per day to their homeless guests and the community’s “near homeless” impoverished. Each service is given with God’s love and the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared at every opportunity.

In 2022, we opened our 100+ bed safe home for women and children who are fleeing poverty, addiction and abuse. In addition to housing, our staff provides Christian counseling, education help for the children and transportation to school, off-campus activities and legal and medical appointments. We depend 100% on the financial support, volunteerism and prayers of private donors, organizations and foundations.

Harbor House
Oakland, CA

Harbor House is a multi-ethnic Christian non-profit organization located in the diverse and vibrant San Antonio community of Oakland. For 38 years and counting, Harbor House has worked with the community to create opportunities for individuals and families to become self-sufficient. Harbor House envisions a day when the San Antonio community is a neighborhood transformed by Christ, where individuals and families are healthy in mind, body, and spirit, justice reigns, and we all reach God’s purposes in our lives.

InterVarsity DVC Julie Hamiter, Pleasant Hill, CA

InterVarsity’s International Student Ministry is a community that welcomes international students with the love of Jesus. All are invited to make new friends and explore faith regardless of nationality, language, and religion. InterVarsity DVC develops global disciples and leaders from every nation. Julie Hamiter is one of the leaders and uses group meetings, Bible study, and dinners to help create connections with these students.

InterVarsity St. Mary’s College, Kathryn Magee, MORAGA VALLEY, CA

InterVarsity at St. Mary’s and Cal State East Bay exists to gather students around Jesus and invite them to join God’s mission on campus. Student-led Small Group Bible Studies reach different campus communities and the Large Group meetings gather the entire community in learning the Word of God. Outreach events bring students into an experience with God and His Kingdom.

Joni & Friends
San Francisco, CA

Joni and Friends serves people affected by disabilities. JAF equips churches to include children and adults with disabilities; provides respite events; offers summer camps to families affected by disabilities; collects and delivers wheelchairs worldwide to persons in need, and delivers books and other materials to people in hospitals and convalescent homes.

Project Peace
Bay Area

Project Peace mobilizes volunteers and resources to serve trusted community partners throughout the East Bay. Four times a year, they create family-friendly Days of Service. These days of service provide an opportunity for hundreds of volunteers to participate in a variety of high-quality service projects that help local non-profit organizations and schools achieve their mission and enable our communities to flourish. These easy, half-day service opportunities allow us to get our hands dirty and work alongside folks from other local congregations to make a real impact in a short time. 

International Mission Partners

Amor Ministries

Amor Ministries is a nonprofit Christian organization whose mission is to provide housing for the poor of Mexico while focusing on the needs of local churches. Amor arranges short-term mission trips; since 1980, groups have built over 7,000 homes and have helped build and expand over 100 churches, medical facilities, and schools. MVPC supports this ministry both financially and directly by sending high school students and adult leaders to their site outside of Tijuana, Mexico, every Spring Break.

Kids Alive! International
Dominican Republic

Kids Alive! International Dominican Republic exists to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational needs of children with no means of support. Strategically placed in five cities throughout the country, our seven schools, three residential safe havens, and one youth program serve over 2,000 children daily. We are raising children who become contributing members of their communities and witnesses of God’s love.

Near East School of Theology Lebanon

NEST is an inter-denominational Protestant theological seminary serving evangelical churches in the Middle East and Africa. The school provides undergraduate and graduate degree programs in theology and Christian education for students from Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Armenia, Germany and Ireland. After studying, students return to their home countries to minister and become Christian leaders. Many receive scholarships to complete their training.

Protestant Theological Seminary Serbia

After completing his PhD at Fuller Theological Seminary with MVPC’s sponsorship, Dr. Dimitrije Popadic and his family returned home to Serbia-Montenegro to establish this country’s first cross-denominational evangelical college. Protestant Theological Seminary (PTS) is committed to training leaders for multi-faceted Christian ministry in the Balkans. In addition to his responsibilities as Dean of PTS, Dimitrije hosts forums for people of all faith and supports fellow believers all over the country.

Sabuli Children’s Center
Gemena, DR Congo

Sabuli Sanguma has rescued more than 80 Congolese orphans from life on the streets in a country where corruption and violence have been a pattern for over 50 years. The children don uniforms to attend school, and a 25-acre garden tended by Sabuli’s sisters provides their food. Extra harvest is sold at the local market, which helps pay tuition, health and medical expenses for the children. Sabuli is married to Dr. Mossai Sanguma. 

Plant with Purpose

Plant With Purpose restores hope by reversing two of the world’s greatest challenges: global poverty and environmental damage. The heart of the mission is restoring relationships—between people and planet, between people and one another, and between people and Creator. MVPC is partnering with Plant With Purpose’s Northern Thailand watershed. Plant With Purpose partners with Thai farmers in these communities to teach regenerative farming and help advocate for rights. Through Purpose Groups, we are able to help connect more families to the resources, helping them to reverse poverty and improve their damaged ecosystems.

Ubangi Protestant University School of Theology
Gemena, DR Congo

UPU is an accredited university located in Gemena, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and founded by Dr. Mossai Sanguma. MVPC sponsored Sanguma at Fuller Theological Seminary where he received his Ph.D. before he returned to the Congo to minister. UPU’s goal through its Schools of Theology, Business and Economics, Medicine and Agricultural Sciences is to develop effective African leaders capable of breaking the cycle of corruption and violence that has been prevalent across central Africa for nearly 50 years. The hope is to promote a ministry of reconciliation through the Covenant Church of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

International Medical Ministry

MVPC’s newest Mission Partner is a family who is using their medical backgrounds to serve in Asia. They offer medical care and training while introducing their faith and ministry. They are working in a very underserved region of Asia.